What the participants Say

The best thing about this program was…

I learned about growing up and dealing with friendships.

Year 6 student

Being able to ask questions without being judged.

Year 9 student

Getting to bond with my Dad and know more about my family.

Year 7 student (after participating in Parent/Child evening.)

Learning about the important aspects of relationships.  Learning to identify healthy or unhealthy relationships.

Year 11 student

How the teachers were good and didn’t make it awkward.

Year 8 student

Learning about the detrimental effects of pornography on a person’s life.

Year 10 student

It opened up the communication on subjects that were difficult to start the conversation.

Parent of a Year 7 student (after participating in Parent/Child evening.)

You get to know more about what body changes you might go through.

Year 6 student

The great information.  I will keep this in mind.

Year 12 student

“Think of Mary MacKillop and learn from her to be a gift of love and compassion for one another, for Australia and for the whole world.”
John Paul ll (Beatification of Mary MacKillop)